Region 8x8: A Small Works Show
Region 8x8 is an annual small works show held in December featuring 8" x 8" works by established artists, local celebrities and high school students from across the 12 parishes of Region 8!
Each artist may enter up to four artworks of any medium (2D or 3D). Artworks must be eight inches square and signed ONLY on the back, to be exhibited anonymously. Participation is free. All artworks will be exhibited and for sale to the public for $64 each to benefit both the artist and the Arts Council. Artists’ names will be revealed to the buyer upon purchase and all artworks remain on display through the end of the exhibition.
The complete artist call facts are listed below, along with the downloadable entry form. Please read thoroughly before entering. The entry drop-off window is Monday-Thursday, October 28th-November 7th. Please email to set up your drop-off time and day per staff availability.
Thank you for your generous support!
@region8x8 | #region8x8

Participating in Region8x8
- Q: How do I enter my artwork?
A: Complete both left and right side of the entry form (download button is below) for each individual artwork. There is no fee to enter. Artwork entries are accepted now until the entry deadline date. Artworks MUST NOT be signed on the front, but only on the back! Hand deliver artworks to:
The Northeast Louisiana Arts Council
118 Cotton Street
West Monroe, LA 71291 - Q. Where does the money from the "sale" of an artwork go?
A: 75% of a sale goes into the artist's pocket - 25% goes to support the Arts Council. This is a fun initiative that brings together a diverse collection of artists and artworks, while also helping further the Arts Council's mission to nurture a vibrant arts culture in Region 8. - Q. Can minors enter?
A. This show is open to students in the 9th grade to adults in the 59th grade. Minor entrants must have permission of a parent or guardian, must note that they are a student and must be accompanied by their parent or guardian at drop-off to sign their form. - Q: Do I need an art background to enter?
A: No. We welcome and encourage participation from all skill levels. - Q: Can I enter more than one piece?
A: Of course. The goal is to gather many pieces of original 8-by-8 works of art. Each person may enter up to 4 artworks. - Q. Can my piece be 3D (three dimensional)?
A. Yes, up to 8 by 8 by 4 inches. Please keep in mind that in order to install this exhibition our staff will have to hang all works from our gallery system and want to ensure they will hang nicely. - Q. How will my work be installed?
A. Artworks will be installed in the order they are received. All works will be hung from our gallery system. They must be wired to hang, 1/3 of the way down from the top of the piece and the wire must be taunt as pictured below. Staff may utilize velcro strips to secure the back of the pieces to the cable.

- Q. Can I enter works that are not canvas?
A. Yes. Please keep in mind that it will be hanging from a hook and cable hanging system and must be properly wired (see above). - Q. I want to frame my pieces.
A. You may, however the frame is included in the 8"x8" requirement, meaning the actual art itself must be smaller. Please take that into consideration. - Q. Does 8 x 8 inches include a border or mat? Can my piece be smaller than 8 inches square?
A. The external dimensions of the piece should be exactly 8 inches square including border and mat. Smaller pieces may be framed out or mounted to 8" x 8". Installation is based on a grid, artworks larger than 8" x 8" can NOT be accommodated. - Q. Can I enter a series?
A. Of course. We cannot guarantee that the complete series will be installed together or in order, but we will try to install them in a horizontal row. We cannot accommodate vertical sequencing. If you want your artworks in a certain order, please number the works left to right. - Q. If my piece does not sell during the exhibition will I get it back?
A. Yes. Any works not sold by the end of the exhibition timeframe will but available for pickup but can remain for sale online with artist permission. The Arts Council will help facilitate the pickup/delivery of any online sales. - Q. Will all artworks be displayed?
A. Yes! - Q. Are any artworks rejected?
A. We reserve the right to reject any artwork. However, 8x8 is intended to be an unfiltered regional expression of creativity and during our time in this gallery we have rarely had to reject a work due to content. - Q. What other restrictions are there for the artworks?
A. No glitter. No unfixed charcoal or pastel. That’s it! - Q. If my artwork sells, do I still retain copyright?
A. Yes, the copyright belongs to the artist upon creation and remains as such. It is important to include contact information with your piece so that the buyer can contact you. - Q. Will the artist find out who purchased their artwork?
A. Not from the Arts Council. The buyer receives a Buyer Receipt (right half of the entry form) with the artist's name and contact information. We strongly encourage each buyer to contact the artist.